Saturday, March 21, 2015

Hard at Work 3-11-15

Putting in the pea trellis took a few extra hands. (3-11-15)

Planting seeds by hand always requires a significant amount of bending, but our gardeners get their spacing right. (3-18-15)

One of our EMGV interns is planting our broccoli and cauliflower transplants. (3-18-15)

Publication on growing cauliflower:

We received a donation of four asparagus divisions from a fellow EMGV. They arrived with healthy roots and thick asparagus shoots already emerging. Now, the three season garden has a perennial. (3-18-15)

Publication on planting asparagus: 

Here are our four asparagus plants. Notice the water circles. Even though the plants are three years old, we will most likely not harvest from them this year to avoid causing stress. (3-18-15)

Our lettuce transplants are evenly spaced and watered.  What more could we ask for?(3-18-15)

In the spirit of our garden's label, a Demonstration Garden, we are testing the Wall-O-Water. Inside the plastic is a tomato that is doing surprisingly well for being planted a month before our last expected frost date. The brown water comes from a nearby creek because our water spigots have not been turned on yet. Brown water is not a prerequisite for using the Wall-O-Water. (3-18-15)

Filling up the Wall-O-Water without a hose was a bit of a pain, but we managed. 

Sites to read about the Wall-O-Water: 

The broccoli and cauliflower transplants should begin to thrive shortly.(3-18-15)

Here is our vegetable garden after a 3 hour workday. Soon the greens will emerge. (3-21-15)

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